Beiteinu Center for Jewish Children and Families at Risk

The Beiteinu Center program is designed for children from low-income, single-parent, and at-risk families. Beiteinu provides assistance to children in need of psychological and emotional support, warmth and attention. It also provides financial assistance for tuition, food, medical care, clothes, school supplies and much more.   

Jewish charity center Gmilus Chesed collaborated in the creation of Beiteinu. Gmilus collected a lot of data about the at-risk single-parent families and children who need socio-psychological support. This data was instrumental in creating Beitenu. Gmilus also provides transportation for children from remote areas and assists with distribution of food packages to families participating in the program.

Beiteinu has developed a differentiated and individual approach to each child. Some kids may need tutoring, help from a psychologist, medical care, while others need food and clothes. Regardless of differences, ongoing Jewish education and development of a full creative personality is the heart of our program.

Beiteinu teaches kids Jewish tradition, culture and history as well as mathematics, geography, basics of computer literacy, and much more. Computer classes, fitness, electro-technical workshops, crafts lessons in decor and design, fine arts, music and dance not only teach useful skills, but also develop creativity and increase self-esteem. Beiteinu also plans to add study in good manners and creation of a Food Academy, where kids will learn how to cook delicious food and learn the laws of kashrut.

Experienced psychologists help children to understand themselves, recognize what they want to achieve in life and to see ways to achieve goals. Kids participate in discussion groups, educational games like chess, and leadership courses, which develop their logical thinking. 

Many children who come to Beiteinu have serious health problems and recreational activities are very important for them. All children pass a comprehensive medical examination. Oxygen, the ionization air, physiotherapy, vitamins, aromatherapy, training on simulators, and more improves health and harmonious growth of all participants. Recreational activities like horseback riding, visiting the dolphinarium, the zoo are very important for their health and development as well.

Beiteinu teaches children compassion and skills of caring for the weak and sick. Studio “Aibolit” gives kids a real opportunity to provide first aid assistance, which may come very useful in their future adult life.

Beiteinu leaves no one behind and includes all family members in the program as well: Parents and grandparents participate in reading, joint leisure, visiting cinemas, theaters, museums, excursions to nature, Birthday celebrations, where refreshments and gifts are prepared together, and much more. They also enjoy family camps, Shabbat retreats, playgrounds, and Jewish holidays celebrations. 

Program participants receive kosher food. Some kids in need can take a shower, wash their clothes and receive new clothes. Beiteinu certainly feels like home and we are  always trying to improve the well-being of all our participants through new ideas like hotline and many others.