9th of September evening became a special event in the history of the two JCCs of Odesa – Migdal and Beit Grand. It was their first joint celebration of Rosh ha Shanna for some 27 years of work of Migdal and 10 years of work of Beit Grand. Some 150 community members gathered in the hall of Beit Grand JCC around some 5 family-style tables. The volunteers from both JCCs came in advance and laid the tables with traditional holiday dishes, grape juice, fish, apples and honey. A couple of dozen of volunteers were totally involved. After the candles were lit, the leaders of all the tables did a Kiddush and took all those present into a historical tour about the holiday tradition. While grown-ups had plenty of time to communicate, exchange recipes and share their family stories, the kids could spend time with the volunteers of Beit Grand who organized various kinds of entertaining activities for them.